Trending Ideas
Category: Better Marketing Practices
Be a Part of these Trending Practices BC Marketing Solutions has constructed a list of trending business actions that gathered momentum in the past year that you can incorporate for this year. If you’re new to the business game, this is the perfect time to build these practices into your strategy or if you already have a business, it’s never too late to incorporate these ideas. Either way, we’re here for business consulting to help
Shifting into 2023
Category: Better Marketing Practices
Hello 2023! As we leave 2022 behind, we shift into a new year. Which means it’s time to get ready to adapt to consumer trends for this year. As business owners and entrepreneurs, we not only have to have willingness to shift with market changes but make the preparations to lead those changes. This might leave you asking yourself, how can I create a new strategy to boost sales this year? Don’t worry, we’re here
How is your Advertising Working For You? Let’s go over your ideas behind digital marketing. Maybe you’re wondering why you’re not getting the desired results from your website, media campaigns, paid or organic links. In this article, we go over some of the dos and don’ts of digital marketing. BC Marketing Solutions’ goal is to help you prepare for success. Remember good digital marketing is integrative, implements strategy, and has many moving pieces. How are
Build better brand awareness from anywhere with a click of a button. Want to learn more? Let’s chat. Consistency is Key New businesses are exciting. We often want to hit the ground running, who are we kidding, we want to sprint right out of the gate. The excitement is so exhilarating we start doing action after action as quickly as possible. But have you thought about how these actions build and integrate with each other? Is